

The feed mill is a mark of an integrated model for well interlaced and measured as well as a restricted enclosure. A fully automated feed mill is in operation producing over 6000 tonnes of feed a month. The feed is produced for captive consumption and for third parties on contract manufacturing. The feed manufacturing plant is located at Unjavelampatti Village of Pollachi in Coimbatore district. The entire plant is fully automated and each batch of feed is specifically structured to meet stipulated requirements. We have an adequate number of experts and well-equipped labs to test the raw material supplied before it is used in the feed formulations. The raw ingredients are tested for nutrient content and any pathogens/mycotoxins before approved for use. The feeds are produced under the brand name “SRINIVASA FEEDS”, they are available as follows. Broiler Feed Pre Broiler Starter(PBS) Broiler Starter(BS) Broiler Developer (BD) Broiler Finisher (BF) Broiler Breeder Feed Broiler Breeder Chick Mash(BBCM) Broiler Breeder Grower Mash (BBGM) Broiler Breeder Pre Layer Mash(BBPLM) Broiler Breeder Layer Mash-I (BBLM-I) Broiler Breeder Layer Mash-II (BBLM-II) Broiler Breeder layer Mash-III (BBLM-III) Broiler Breeder Male Ration(BBMR)

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Srinivasa Hatcheries operates in a well suited place with the best infrastructure in place, located in strategic areas. Sheds are designed to ensure the highest productivity and health of breeder birds. Our core operations are based in and around Pollachi in Coimbatore district. The hatchery is equipped with the state of the art incubators, hatching over 0.7 million eggs a month. Our breeder farm holds over 60000 layer birds as well. They are well secured with stringent bio security measures under meticulous hygienic conditions. Our infrastructure facilities include separate breeding, growing, and laying sheds, cold storage rooms for hatching eggs, separate farms and hatcheries for broiler breeders, feed and disease testing laboratories with modern analytical and diagnostic facilities like NIR, Elisa equipment, etc. Right through the production cycle, from the arrival of parent chicks to dispatch of commercial chicks to customers, and from the arrival of raw material in the feed plant to dispatch of finished feed, every step is controlled under strict supervision and biosecurity measures are followed.

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Breeder farms: A disinfected environment houses over 60000 layer birds which can give away enormous production all the week. Contract farms: In the contract farms, which number around 400 farms are managed by an overall strength of farmers. All our parent birds are segregated and categorized age-wise and bred-wise and housed separately in well-thought-out free sheds. All birds are housed in cages for better productivity and disease control. Cages ensure savings in housing, labor, and power costs. All the sheds are equipped with feeding and watering facilities ensuring minimum wastage, and fans as well as foggers to reduce the shed temperature in summer. All birds are monitored by qualified veterinarians. All our hatchery units follow global standards of hazard control and sanitation. Most of the sheds are Environment Controlled and are equipped with advanced climate control systems which help in superior feed conversion ratio, better quality bird meat, increased productivity and health of the chicken, and reduced mortality.

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Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable.